Super capacitor + battery: to meet the new needs of the power grid


The global grid is in the midst of hunger and thirst, and the need for long-term energy and short-term power is imminent. Although the battery can meet the long-term energy demand, but the power grid fast response, instant start and relatively short-term energy demand performance is not ideal. Supercapacitors, like batteries, are also energy storage devices, but they are unique in that they are designed to provide short-term high power in an instant. Through the combination of battery and super capacitor energy storage, can well meet the power grid on the energy (long-term) and power (short-term) changing needs.

To better understand the advantages of battery and supercapacitor combination energy storage systems, let us first understand the current changes and challenges facing the power grid.

Traditional power grids face great challenges

At present, the traditional grid faces two challenges:

First, the transmission mode can not meet the requirements of distributed generation. The power grid was first established to ensure the reliability, robustness and flexibility of the transmission, so that the grid can provide electricity for customers, but also to expand the scope of power supply services. Therefore, the grid uses a simple and intuitive design: the power plant through the transmission and distribution lines, substations and distribution transformers to provide electricity to the user. However, with the advent of distributed renewable energy sources such as solar power, wind power and fuel cells, the new renewable energy power plants are located closer to the power load rather than to the central power generation area. They are directly connected to the transmission and distribution lines , And often to the client as the front-end, the traditional from large-scale power plant to the user's one-way transmission mode has been unable to meet the requirements of distributed generation.

The second is the power grid instability. There are many reasons for this result, mainly due to the daily and seasonal peak loads

(Left) and the Maxwell 56V Supercapacitor Module (right)

The combined system uses the Maxwell 56V supercapacitor module to stabilize the solar output voltage on the distribution line in real time, and solves the problem of solar power generation due to cloud cover or other weather factors when connected to the grid. At the same time, the battery is responsible for power distribution circuit on the large-scale solar energy system switching. The Maxwell supercapacitor and battery combination energy storage system combines high-power, fast-response supercapacitors with high-energy density batteries to achieve low-cost grid service and maximize the value of the power system. The system also intelligently integrates Win Inertia's advanced power electronics and control systems to ensure optimal battery and supercapacitor combinations.

In particular, the use of supercapacitors in a combined system can bring technical and economic benefits including:

* Solar power generation integration services: including short-term fast intermittent fluctuations in solar energy

• Extend the overall life of the energy storage system: Avoiding high peak power surges on the battery by using supercapacitors

• Reduced Costs: No need to increase the battery in order to cope with high power performance / thermal stress performance over long service life

Reduced Operating Expenditure: Supercapacitors are designed for more than 1 million charge and discharge cycles and guarantee superior performance and long life over a wide operating temperature range

• Capacity Assurance: With support for battery performance, supercapacitors can slow down the degradation of battery capacity over time, thereby reducing the risk of under-energy (which can result in economic loss)

The combination of the battery and the ultracapacitor is a cost-effective solution that combines the advantages of long battery life and supercapacitor power to meet the ultra-high-speed demands of the grid, providing near-seamless Of the power transmission and a long period of power s

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